Registering as an individual civilian participant

We are so pleased that you want to take part in the 4Days Marches! The 107th 4Days Marches will take place from 15-18 July 2025. The registration fee for the 107th 4Days Marches is €120. All the information about the registration period can be found below. We recommend that you read this carefully before registering.

Please note: it is not yet possible to register.


Period 1: Monday 24 February (10.00 hrs CET) until Friday 7 March (17.00 hrs CET)
For young people born between 2007-2023 and for participants who have successfully completed the 4Days Marches on their regulation distance at least once in the past 20 years (2005-2024)

Period 2: Monday 10 March (10.00 hrs CET)
For everyone who wants to participate in the 4Days Marches in 2025.

Registration will close when the maximum number of participants has been reached (see Article 1, Registration Regulations). If the maximum number of participants has not been reached yet by the end of the first registration period, everyone will have a chance to register during the second period. There will not be a draw anymore.

If you have registered and paid the registration fee, you are assured of a starting ticket for the 4Days Marches!

Registration number

When registering for the 4Days Marches, you will need a personal registration number. All your personal information is linked to this number. This is how we ensure, for example, that you always receive the right reward.

Request registration number
If you have registered to take part in the 4Days Marches before, you will already have a registration number. If you have lost or forgotten it, you can request it using this form.

Create registration number
If this is the first time you are registering to take part in the 4Days Marches, use this form to create a registration number now. We will then send you a registration number.


Enter your personal details and, if applicable, your KWbN-membership number. If your details match, your personal registration number will automatically appear. Carefully check that all your details have been entered correctly and proceed with your registration.

Discount for KWbN-members

If you are a member of the Royal Dutch Walking Association KWbN, you will receive a €5 discount on the registration fee if you can present your walking discount pass (Wandelvoordeelpas) issued by the Royal Dutch Walking Association KWbN. Make sure you select ‘KWbN members’ when registering and fill in the correct KWbN membership number. The discount cannot be applied retroactively.

How do I know if my registration was successful?

Once you have registered, you will automatically receive an email confirmation of your registration. You will then also get access to My Dashboard. You can log in to this page and check your registration at any time. If you still have any questions, please see our contact page.

Your official ticket will be available starting from the first week of July in My Dashboard. This ticket serves as confirmation of registration and you must be able to show it when you register on Sunday 13 or Monday 14 July. You will receive an email as soon as the ticket is ready for you.

Changes to your registration

You can change your contact details yourself in My Dashboard and also change your distance free of charge up to Wednesday July 9 2025. After this date, changes to the distance can only be made on Sunday 13 or Monday 14 July at the Service Desk at De Wedren for €16. Check the age table on the Distances page to see which distances are open to you.

Transfer ticket

From 2024 onwards it is no longer possible to cancel, but you can transfer your ticket instead. If you are unable or unwilling to participate, you can make your registration available again. This can be done once the 4Days Marches is sold out and will be visible on My Dashboard from that moment. Further information will follow.

More info

The registration fee for the 107th 4Days Marches is €120.

You pay the registration fee directly during registration via the module on this website. After payment, you will receive a confirmation email and are assured of participation in the 4Days Marches.

Payment is possible via iDEAL, Bancontact, and credit card.

You will see your registration immediately in My Dashboard after payment. You will also receive a confirmation email for your registration.

On the Distances page, you can check the eligibility table to determine which distance you may register for based on your age.

Use the form on this page to register. If you have previously participated in the 4Days Marches and already have a registration number, fill in all fields. If this is your first time participating, your registration begins with creating a registration number.

Select your ticket. Make sure to choose a ‘standard’ ticket or a ‘KWbN-member’ ticket. Enter your personal details and ensure your registration number is correct. You can also add items such as a certificate or LOWA products to your shopping cart. Enter your correct KWbN-membership number to apply the €5 discount. Agree to our terms and continue your registration.

After placing your order, you will be automatically redirected to the payment page. Once you’ve paid, you’ve secured your ticket for the 4Days Marches!

After registering, you will automatically receive a confirmation email.

You can also log in to My Dashboard at any time to check your registration status.

Since 2024 cancellations are no longer possible, but you can transfer your ticket. If you cannot or do not wish to participate, you can make your registration available again. This can be done as soon as the 4Days Marches is sold out and will be visible via My Dashboard.

If you have successfully completed the 4Days Marches at the regulatory distance at least once in the past 20 years, you will have an exclusive opportunity to register during period 1. This runs from Monday 24 February (10:00 hrs CET) to Friday 7 March (17:00 hrs CET). Register using the registration number from your previous participation(s).

You can also choose to register during period 2, starting Monday 10 March (10:00 hrs CET). Registration closes once the maximum number of participants is reached (Article 1, Registration Regulations). There will no longer be a draw.

If you have never successfully completed the 4Days Marches at the regulatory distance, you can register during period 2, starting Monday 10 March 10 (10:00 rhs CET). Registration closes once the maximum number of participants is reached (Article 1, Registration Regulations). There will no longer be a draw.

If you were born between 2007 and 2013, you will have an exclusive opportunity to register during period 1 from Monday 24 February 24 (10:00 hrs CET) to Friday 7 March (17:00 hrs CET).

You can also choose to register during period 2, starting Monday 10 March (10:00 hrs CET). Registration closes once the maximum number of participants is reached (Article 1, Registration Regulations). There will no longer be a draw.

No, adding a companion to a child's registration is optional, not mandatory. A child may also participate in the 4Days Marches without supervision.

Parents or supervisors of children aged 12, 13, 14, or 15 this year are allowed to accompany their child on a non-regulatory distance. One supervisor can be added to the paid registration of the child. Supervisors can be added to a child’s registration (born between 2010 & 2013) via My Dashboard starting April 1. The youth will receive notification about this. This is possible until July 9, 2025 17:00 hrs CET. The conditions for a supervisor are outlined in the Regulations for Companions.

The cost for adding a walking companion is €42, payable immediately via iDEAL or credit card. Note: participation as a companion does not count as official participation, and you will not receive a reward.

Via Vierdaagse is the training program offered by KWbN. It provides first-time participants with professional guidance to prepare for the 4Days Marches.

Would you like to register for Via Vierdaagse? Registration starts on 17 February. Visit for all details.

The municipality of Nijmegen offers residents with low income up to €150 for cultural, sports, and educational activities through the ‘Meedoen-regeling’.

The municipality of Heumen provides up to €275 for these activities under ‘Heumenstegoed’.

If you want to use one of these subsidies for the Four Days Marches, payment is processed differently.

With the Walking Advantage Pass from KWbN, you receive a €5 discount on the registration fee. The discount is only applied if you provide your correct KWbN-membership number during registration and cannot be applied retroactively.

Countdown to the 107ᵗʰ edition of the 4Days Marches