The Day of Wijchen
The second walking day takes you through the Land van Maas en Waal region. You walk through woodland and wetlands, through music-filled villages and over open farmland. Tens of thousands of spectators are waiting for you in the partying town of Wijchen. There is a good chance that, as is the tradition, you will get an apple handed to you. In Nijmegen, in the meantime, everything is turning pink...
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Pink Wednesday
As soon as you leave Nijmegen, you find yourself walking through lush green wetlands towards Alverna, today’s first village. Then it’s a mega-party in Wijchen, one that you will never forget. All those enthusiastic spectators along the route cheering you on, and on top of that you are handed an apple courtesy of the mayor. A musical roadshow awaits you in friendly Beuningen. And then back to Nijmegen, where the whole town (including the locals) has turned pink. Today is a party that welcomes everyone! Will you be wearing something pink too?

everyone! Will you be wearing something pink too?
The beauty of Land van Maas en Waal
Today you walk through the beautiful landscape of Hatertse en Overasseltse Vennen, past fruit-laden orchards, medieval towers and age-old farms and through floodplains and open farmland. Along the way you pass through lovely little villages like Alverna, Balgoij, Niftrik and Weurt. And if you are doing the 50km walk, you walk over the winding dike along the Meuse towards Wijchen, where the walkers for all distances meet up once more.
Back at De Wedren
Traditionally, most of the walkers who drop out do this on the second day. But not you: you made it! Did you enjoy your pink-suffused grand entry through the city centre? Now just sign off and you will receive your checkpoint card for the following day. Assuming you have any energy left over, throw yourself into the party bustle around De Wedren, or explore the lively city centre of Nijmegen. There is simply so much to do! Of course, you can also go home to get some sleep so that you will be well rested for tomorrow’s start.