Media accreditation

Media representatives can request accreditation online prior to the 4Days Marches. Accreditation gives you access to the media centre at start- and finish location De Wedren, you will be the first to receive our press releases, and we can put you in touch with our ‘In the spotlight’ participantsOnce more information about applying for accreditation for the 107th 4Days Marches is available, you will find all the details on this page.

More info

  • The official name of the organisation is ‘Stichting DE 4DAAGSE’ (‘4Days Marches Foundation’).
  • The name of the event in English in 2024 is the ‘106th 4Days Marches'. In general the event is called the 4Days Marches or the Nijmegen 4Days Marches.
  • On social media we use the hashtags #4d24, #4daagse and #4daysmarches.

Comprehensive statistics on the 106th 4Days Marches will be published after the event. On the Facts & Figures page you’ll find both fun facts (in English) as well as statistics (in Dutch) on every aspect of the past editions of the 4Days Marches.

For photos of the 4Days Marches, you can use our press kit. The photos are free to use with (if possible) attribution to the photographer.

On the History page you can read all about the rich history of the 4Days Marches. This page also includes links to other interesting sites with fascinating archival material.

Since 2016, the Communication Department has annually designated a number of participants as 'extra special' for various reasons. These reasons may include their youth, advanced age, extensive history of participating in the 4Daagse, compelling personal stories, or extraordinary achievements beyond the already impressive feat of completing the 4Days Marches. This initiative is called 'In the spotlight'. The selection of 'In the spotlight' participants for the 106th 4Daagse will be announced in early June 2024. All 'In the spotlight' participants have expressed their willingness to engage with the media. Upon request, contact information will be provided to accredited press representatives.

Media representatives can contact our communication staff via

Countdown to the 107ᵗʰ edition of the 4Days Marches