How and where will checks take place?

The 4Days Marches is a walking achievement event. You register for the 30, 40 or 50 kilometres – and we hold you to it! We do this by having our officials check your checkpoint card, which they do at several points along the route.

Individual participants

Every individual participant receives a checkpoint card upon signing in (on Sunday and Monday) and at the end of each marching day (except Friday). This card can be checked during the day at different places along the route by officials. At the end of the marching day the checkpoint card has to be handed in at the registration desk. The card will be checked and if approved, the wristband will be scanned and you will receive a checkpoint card for the next day.

Groups and detachments

All participants in the group will receive a wristband from their group leader or detachment commander. During each walking day, officials will make announced and unannounced inspections at various intervals along the route. The group has to be complete at all of these inspections. It should be noted that group participants should be able to prove their identity when they are requested to do so. For more information, read the Regulations for civilian groups.


A check can take place a few times a day. The checkpoints on the route will be announced by 'beachflags'. 4Days Marches officials walk around clearly recognizable at the checkpoints and inspect the checkpoint cards of the participants. At each check, it is indicated how many kilometres there are still to go to the finish.

Countdown to the 107ᵗʰ edition of the 4Days Marches