
You can park your car at the Park & Ride facility on the outskirt of the city. 

More information

More information about parking facilities and road closures in Nijmegen during the 4Days Marches will be collected and posted on this page in the run-up to the 106th 4Days Marches.

During the 4Days Marches parts of the city will be closed to cars. That is why we ask everyone to come by train, bus or bicycle as much as possible. As a participant you can buy a parking ticket in advance, as a visitor this is not possible. More information about this can be found on the website of Gemeente Nijmegen.

Ride together with Slinger

Offer your empty car seats to other hikers through the external platform Slinger. This is not only sociable and sustainable, but also budget-friendly, as you can share the costs for the journey and parking. How exactly? That's up to you as the driver. Sign up via the widget on this page and arrange your ride directly or offer one.

Countdown to the 107ᵗʰ edition of the 4Days Marches