The Day of Cuijk

The fourth and final walking day brings you to the grand entry along Via Gladiola. This morning’s walk takes you through beautiful wetlands. Enjoy the peaceful setting while you can, because once you enter Cuijk you’re swept up into one big party. Your crossing over the River Meuse is a truly special experience: military engineers have constructed a pontoon bridge for you to cross. Once across the bridge, the excitement increases with every step you take. Via Gladiola awaits your arrival...

Please note: shortened routes apply for Friday:
- The 50 km participants run the 40 km route
- The 40 km participants run the 30 km route
- The 30 km participants run the 20 km route
- For soldiers, the luggage requirement is dropped, distance remains the same

Check out the route with Google Maps or download the pdf.

Via Gladiola

Crowded grandstands, rows of high-spirited spectators, DJs and brass bands everywhere, and tens of thousands of happy walkers holding gladioli, the symbol of a successful finish. Stretching out over several kilometres, Via Gladiola is one big party, and you’re the guest of honour! The cheers of thousands of spectators lining Via Gladiola carry you forward. Your blisters, your aching muscles, the moments when you thought of giving up: that’s all forgotten in the moment. A little bit further and the 4Days Marches Cross is all yours.

Three provinces

You walk through the beautiful landscape of Hatertse en Overasseltse Vennen towards the Meuse floodplains. The river affords you beautiful views of the lakes of Kraaijenbergse Plassen. And if you are doing the 50km walk, your walk takes you through three provinces: Gelderland, Noord-Brabant and Limburg. On the way you pass through the lively villages of Linden, Mook, Molenhoek and Malden. And as in Cuijk, you get a foretaste of the grand ‘entry’ that awaits you.

The finish

You did it! Sign off for the last time and receive your 4Days Marches Cross or number pin. You’ve certainly earned it! Enjoy the moment. The celebrations at De Wedren are only for walkers today. If you’d like to greet family and friends, arrange to meet up at the Meet & Greet location next to De Wedren. And congratulations on your fantastic achievement!

Countdown to the 107ᵗʰ edition of the 4Days Marches