Endurance walking for charity
On behalf of all 4Days Marches walkers who walked all those kilometres to raise funds for charity, Huub van Asten presented Ank Bijleveld-Schouten – who is not only the Chair of the sponsored walk organisers Stichting De Vierdaagse Sponsorloop but also a former Dutch Minister of Defence and acting mayor of Almere since January 2022 – with a check for €507,561. At the end of the 4Days Marches, today at 18:00, the counter was at €513,770. Donations can still be made up to 31 August, meaning this amount will likely rise even higher.
Walking for ParkinsonNL
Sponsored walker Huub walked the 4Days Marches for the 30th and last time this year. Huub, who himself has Parkinson’s disease, raised €9,621 for the charity ParkinsonNL. “The money I collected during my sponsored walk will enable ParkinsonNL to further develop and improve innovative therapies,” Huub explains.
Ten years
The 4Days Marches Sponsored Walk was created to make it easy to connect 4Days Marches walkers’ endurance achievement to a charity of their choice. This sponsored walk was organised for the tenth time this year, and in that time (this year included) more than €4.2 million has been raised.
With their own page on the website www.devierdaagsesponsorloop.nl, sponsored walkers can present themselves and recruit donors online from among family, friends, co-workers, fellow sports club members, people in their neighbourhood, etc. After 31 August, the funds collected will be transferred to the selected charities.
Amount collected: €513,770
Number of sponsored walkers: 694
Number of donors: 21,242
Number of charities : 232

(L to R) Ank Bijleveld-Schouten, Huub van Asten, Lex Roolvink and Niels ten Anscher