![Online shop](https://www.4daagse.nl/cdn/27412b16-0ae9-4912-8ce9-711d53b88071/-/scale_crop/1300x800/smart/-/format/preserve/-/quality/lighter/-/progressive/yes/-/strip_meta/none/uitgelicht-webshop.jpg)
Story of Dirk
Dirk Schaffrath, owner-director of main sponsor LOWA Benelux, found what happened to him and his team in Nijmegen simply mind blowing.
Bring joy
Dirk: ‘Unbelievable, that flood of good feeling, from everyone, the walkers, the organisers, clients we had invited and who were walking around with a big smile. People visiting our booth told us that they had been wearing LOWAs for 20 years, and had even hiked the Himalayas in them.’ That he and his team were hard at work would be an understatement: customers stormed the LOWA booth on the Sunday and Monday before the walk, and it was relentless on the following days too. ‘Sales were brisk over the last few days, but that’s not what it’s about for us. We wanted to bring joy, to promote the LOWA brand.’
Mission accomplished
You can certainly say that it worked too. And the highlight of the 4Days Marches? When DJ duo Wipneus & Pim played 'Lola' by the Kinks and the crowd all chanted ‘LOWA’ instead. 'Simply goose bumps! Mission accomplished.'