Story of Huub
'It’s on the Zevenheuvelenweg that I really get the 4Days Marches feeling'
From this year on, all drinking cups used during the 4Days Marches and the Vierdaagsefeesten can be high quality recycled into new cups. With this circular cup system, we are working to reduce plastic waste and anticipate on upcoming regulations that will ban the use of disposable plastic cups without a circular system from January 2023.
You pay € 0,50 for your first cup, as a contribution to a sustainable cup system. Exchange your cup for a new one and only pay for your drink. This is possible every day at all stages and terraces of the Vierdaagsefeesten and at the Wedren.
Return your last cup to a bar at the Wedren and receive, only as a 4Days Marches participant, a token which you can use the next day on the Wedren to get a new cup. A cup cannot be exchanged for money.
In this way we keep the city clean and work towards a more sustainable future!