Keep on eating and drinking

There is no general guidance on how much to eat and drink while walking: that varies for each person. Environmental factors such as temperature and humidity also play a role, so it’s important to listen to your body! While you shouldn’t wait until you’re thirsty to drink, there’s no need to drink all day long either. If you drink too little, you can get muscle cramps and headaches, become dizzy and nauseous, or even faint.


  • During your training, try to determine how much you should drink and what kind of drink works well for you.
  • Don’t avoid drinking just to avoid having to use the toilet during the walk; that would be a bad strategy, which you could really suffer for later, especially on a hot day.
  • Carbonated drinks (fizzy/soft drinks) are less suitable for rehydrating, given that these increase the risk of stomach problems while walking.
  • Don’t drink alcoholic beverages during your walk: alcohol and strenuous physical activity do not mix well.
  • We also strongly advise against the use of stimulants and/or tranquillisers.

Hydration stations along the way

On every walking day you will come across hydration stations along the routes where you can ‘tank up’ for free. Water is also available at the medical aid stations. All hydration stations are marked on the route maps. It is your own responsibility to carry sufficient water with you.

Please note that no cups or bottles will be handed out at the hydration stations: that’s better for the environment. So, be sure to bring your own water bottle.

Eat regularly

Eat enough to ensure you have sufficient ‘fuel’. Don’t wait to eat until you get hungry. During the walk, a snack that is high in carbs will boost your energy levels for a while.

The 4Days Marches organisation does not offer food along the route. So be sure to bring enough food to consume during the day, or stop at one the many commercial food establishments or private stands you will find along the route. And catering company Albron offers a range of food and drinks at their stands at start and finish location De Wedren.

Countdown to the 107ᵗʰ edition of the 4Days Marches