Story of Huub
'It’s on the Zevenheuvelenweg that I really get the 4Days Marches feeling'
On Sunday morning the weather advisory team assembled to assess the upcoming heat in relation to the first walking day. The weather advisory team (including a meteorologist, an exercise physiologist, a sports psychologist and the Red Cross) unanimously advised that the first walking day be cancelled. Due to the extreme heat, the expected pressure on healthcare is too high to organise a safe walking day and the rest of the 4 Days Marches. With predicted peaks of 39 degrees Celsius it will probably be the highest temperature ever recorded in 104 editions of the 4Days Marches history.
Although several alternative scenarios have been tested, the advisory team sees no other option than to advise the board to cancel the first walking day. The 4Daagse board has adopted the unanimous recommendation that the 4Days Marches 2022 will be a 3-day event with a festive entry on Friday, July 22.
The organisation is really looking forward to the coming three walking days.